
Computer Online Classes

Individual and Group Classes

Java Classes Or Any Technology Classes


Java Classes or Any Technology Classes
Description : Industry Focus and Industry Standard classes with hands-on practical within the class - ONLINE - Local and Overseas Students or any age. (no age restriction) 1. JAVA/C++/C#/ NODEjs or any Programming Language Basic and Advance classes with practical - Industry Standard 2. Database Development classes with practical - Industry Standard 3. JAVA Application development with Netbeans IDE / Eclipse / JIdea classes - CRUD Application - Industry Standard 4 WEB Application Development with Html, ...
Category : Computer ≫ Java
Conducted By : 10+ years experienced Lead Software Engineer
Contact : 0775734813
Published On : 2024-05-27 12:14PM



Description : I'm a post graduate with 8 yrs of experience
Category : Computer
Conducted By : Asha
Contact : 7989393166
Published On : 2024-05-25 06:40PM

Web Site Building With Latest Technology


Web Site Building with latest technology
Description : please call 0775734813
Category : Computer ≫ Web Development
Conducted By : 10+ years experienced Lead Software Engineer
Contact : 0775734813
Published On : 2024-05-24 04:39PM

O/L IT Classess


O/L IT Classess
Description : 2025 O/L ICT
Category : Computer
Conducted By : Viraj A. Kodituwakku
Contact : 0773180041
Published On : 2024-05-08 03:45PM

IT Cambridge


IT Cambridge
Description : ICT Online Group & Individual Classes Cambridge & Edexcel syllabus - Syllabus will be covered with personalized lesson notes for each student. - End of unit assessments, practical sessions, paper discussions will be conducted. - First class will be free of charge. - Flexible date and time arrangement. - For more information please contact through WhatsApp +94 76 1235 985
Category : Computer
Conducted By : Ms Poornima
Contact : 0761235985
Published On : 2024-04-25 01:36PM

IT Edexcel


IT Edexcel
Description : ICT Online Group & Individual Classes Cambridge & Edexcel syllabus - Syllabus will be covered with personalized lesson notes for each student. - End of unit assessments, practical sessions, paper discussions will be conducted. - First class will be free of charge. - Flexible date and time arrangement. - For more information please contact through WhatsApp +94 76 1235 985
Category : Computer ≫ C / C++
Conducted By : Ms Poornima
Contact : 0761235985
Published On : 2024-04-25 01:35PM

ICT Online Group & Individual Classes


ICT Online Group & Individual Classes
Description : ICT Online Group & Individual Classes Cambridge & Edexcel syllabus - Syllabus will be covered with personalized lesson notes for each student. - End of unit assessments, practical sessions, paper discussions will be conducted. - First class will be free of charge. - Flexible date and time arrangement. - For more information please contact through WhatsApp +94 76 1235 985
Category : Computer ≫ 2D/3D Animating
Conducted By : Ms Poornima
Contact : 0761235985
Published On : 2024-04-25 01:32PM

C/C++ Classes


C/C++ Classes
Description : * 12+ years Experienced teacher/Software Developer (MPhil in Computer Engineering)
Category : Computer ≫ C / C++
Conducted By : Dissanayake teacher
Contact : +94775994715
Published On : 2024-04-16 10:19AM

Develop Your Child’s Intelligence Through Programming


Develop your child’s Intelligence through Programming
Description : Develop your child’s Problem solving, Critical thinking, Decision-making and Creative thinking skills byway of learning how to write computer programs. Programming skills is also helpful in improving Effective communication skills and improving the ability to cope with stress. Python/C/C++ languages will be discussed. English medium, for Grade 6 and above students. Flexible online classes conducted by an academic (two hours per week). Individual / group classes.
Category : Computer
Conducted By : Dr. Nissanka Mahale
Contact : 077 7759507
Published On : 2024-03-11 03:07PM

JAVA Programming Classes - Online


JAVA Programming Classes - Online
Description : Industry Focus and Industry Standard classes with hands-on practical within the class - ONLINE - Local and Overseas Students or any age. (no age restriction) 1. JAVA/C++/C# or any Programming Language Basic and Advance classes with practical - Industry Standard 2. Database Development classes with practical - Industry Standard 3. JAVA Application development with Netbeans IDE / Eclipse / JIdea classes - CRUD Application - Industry Standard 4 WEB Application Development with Html, css, Jav...
Category : Computer ≫ Java
Conducted By : 10+ years experienced Lead Software Engineer
Contact : +94 775734813
Published On : 2024-03-10 12:41AM

ICT Classes For 6-9 Students


ICT classes for 6-9 students
Description : ICT classes for grade 6 to 9 students will be conducted by an experienced government school ICT teacher.
Category : Computer
Conducted By : Mrs Anusha Sanjeewani
Contact : 0764242904
Published On : 2024-02-17 01:18PM

ICT Individual Classes - Grade 6 To Ordinary Level


ICT Individual Classes - Grade 6 to Ordinary Level
Description : ICT Online Classes | Individual | Grade 6 to Ordinary Level Covering Local Syllabus Online Practical Sessions Past paper and Model Paper Discussions
Category : Computer
Conducted By : Ms. Thasuni Nagodage
Contact : 0778141893
Published On : 2024-02-15 09:32AM

Grade 6,7,8 ICT English Medium Individual Classes


Grade 6,7,8 ICT English medium Individual classes
Description : Currently im working as a IT Lecturer in a leading non state university. Education :MSc in Information Technology Years of Experience : 12 Years +
Category : Computer
Conducted By : Ms.Adithya Kristhombu
Contact : 0761867558
Published On : 2024-02-04 03:20PM

Edexcel GCSE Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science & ICT Class


Edexcel GCSE  Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science &  ICT Class
Description : New Admissions Now Open Pearson Edexcel GCSE Cambridge IGCSE Call or WhatsApp for More Details 077 29 720 65 At StepWay, it's all about Students and bridging the gap between the classroom and future workplace using Problem Based Learning methods...
Category : Computer
Conducted By : Taniya
Contact : 0772972065
Published On : 2024-02-01 10:08AM

Software Engineering


Software engineering
Description : Diploma in computing @ software engineering Higher diploma in computing @ software engineering Degree holder at BSC software engineer
Category : Computer
Conducted By : Lakshan Narasinghe
Contact : 0705248810 / 0761683984
Published On : 2024-01-22 12:28PM
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